How To Use Back Windshield Wipers?

The back windshield wiper is a vital but often overlooked part of our vehicle. It serves a critical purpose, especially during inclement weather. Its role? Ensuring clear visibility and safe driving conditions.

The primary function of the rear windshield wiper is to provide clear visibility for drivers by removing rain, snow, dirt, or any debris from the back window. This helps in safer navigation and reduces potential road hazards.

Having a clear rearview is essential. For instance, in heavy rainfall, without an operational rear wiper, drivers might find it challenging to see vehicles approaching from behind or gauge the distance of following cars, potentially leading to accidents.

Wiper Basics

Wiper Components

  • Blade: The rubber component that directly contacts the windshield, is responsible for clearing off water or debris.
  • Arm: Connects the blade to the wiper motor and provides the necessary pressure to ensure the blade cleans effectively.
  • Motor: Powers the entire wiper system and controls the movement of the wiper arm.

Types of Rear Wipers

  • Standard: Operates at a consistent speed and ensures constant clearing of the rear windshield.
  • Intermittent: Offers periodic sweeps, suitable for light rain or minimal debris.

Why Use Rear Wipers?

Rear windshield wipers might seem like a simple accessory to many, but their significance stretches far beyond their apparent utility. The value they bring to the table revolves around the core of vehicular safety, visibility, aesthetics, and overall driving experience.

Safety Aspects

A primary function of rear wipers is to provide and maintain a clear view of the back, especially during challenging weather conditions. Here’s a breakdown of its importance:

  • Collision Prevention: Especially in heavy rain, fog, or snow, the rear view becomes critical in gauging the proximity and speed of vehicles behind you. This awareness helps in making safer lane changes, timely braking, or taking emergency actions if needed.
  • Reversing: Whether you’re backing out of a driveway, a parking spot, or navigating tight spaces, a clear rearview is essential to avoid potential hazards. Without an effective rear wiper, drivers might find reversing in wet conditions a daunting task.
  • Night Driving: Wet conditions at night can cause light refractions, leading to blinding glares from headlights of vehicles behind. A clean and dry rear windshield can significantly reduce this glare.

Improved Visibility

Visibility is not just about safety; it’s also about comfort and confidence. A driver who can see clearly will undoubtedly feel more in control. Consider the following:

  • Reduced Driver Fatigue: Continually adjusting focus due to smeared rain or dirt can strain the eyes. Over long drives, this can cause fatigue.
  • Better Decision Making: A clear view aids in making informed decisions quickly, especially in high-speed or dense traffic conditions.

Aesthetics and Design

A vehicle’s design isn’t merely about its shape, color, or the shine of its paint. Functional components, like rear wipers, contribute significantly to the overall aesthetics:

  • Streamlined Design: Many modern vehicles incorporate rear wipers in a way that complements the car’s design, ensuring they don’t stick out awkwardly.
  • Clean Look: Just as a clean front windshield adds to the car’s appeal, a clean rear windshield, thanks to the wiper, enhances the overall look, especially from a following vehicle’s perspective.

Manual vs. Automatic Wipers

Vehicles come with varying wiper systems, each having its own set of features and benefits.

Manual Operation

Manual systems, as the name suggests, require the driver’s intervention:

  • Switch Positions: Familiarizing yourself with the car’s dashboard or steering column switches is essential. The rear wiper typically has its own dedicated switch or a shared one with different positions.
  • Speed Adjustments: Like the front wipers, the rear ones also allow speed modulation. Understanding the various speed settings ensures optimal performance.

Automatic Sensors

Some advanced vehicles come equipped with rain-sensing technology, taking automation to the next level:

  • Rain-sensing Technology: These sensors detect moisture on the windshield and automatically activate the wipers. Their speed adjusts based on the intensity of the rainfall.
  • Benefits: Provides convenience as drivers don’t need to fiddle with switches, especially during unpredictable rain.
  • Limitations: They might not always be perfect. Sometimes, light drizzles or mist might not be enough to activate them, requiring manual intervention.

Maintenance Tips

Ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of your rear wiper mandates regular maintenance.

Blade Replacement

  • Signs of Wear: If the wiper leaves streaks, skips, or makes noises, it might be time for a replacement. Waiting too long can risk scratching the windshield.
  • Seasonal Checks: Before the onset of monsoons or winter, checking the wiper blade’s condition is a good practice.

Cleaning the Wiper

  • Periodic Cleaning: Over time, wipers accumulate dirt and debris. Cleaning them with a damp cloth can enhance their efficiency.
  • Using Wiper Fluid: While water does the job, wiper fluids, with their cleaning agents, can remove stubborn grime and ensure a smooth wipe.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Addressing common wiper issues promptly can save you from potential visibility challenges:

  • Streaking: Often due to dirt build-up or a worn-out blade. Cleaning or replacing the blade can resolve this.
  • Skipping: If the wiper doesn’t maintain constant contact with the windshield, it might be due to a misaligned arm. Adjusting it back to its position can help.
  • Noise: A squeaky wiper can be due to a dry blade or accumulated dirt. Lubrication or cleaning is the usual fix.

Wiper Etiquette

Using your wipers efficiently not only ensures their longevity but also fosters good driving etiquette.

When to Use Them

  • Situational Awareness: Only activate them during rain, snow, or if there’s significant debris. Continuous use, especially when it’s not required, can cause unnecessary wear.

Avoiding Overuse

  • Motor Care: Continuously running the wiper can heat up the motor, potentially reducing its lifespan. Using it judiciously ensures its longevity.

Being Considerate to Other Drivers

  • Water Spray: Continuous use of rear wipers, especially at high speeds, can spray water onto following vehicles, hampering their visibility. Use them wisely to maintain a cordial driving environment.

Special Cases

Different conditions demand specific considerations:

Wipers in Snow

  • Pre-Use Checks: Before activating the wiper, ensure it’s free from accumulated snow or ice to prevent damage.
  • Low Speed: Using the wiper at a slower speed can be effective in snow, ensuring the motor doesn’t strain.

Dealing with Mud and Dirt

  • Manual Cleaning: If your car has been through a muddy patch, it’s wise to clean the rear windshield manually before using the wiper to prevent scratches.

Heavy Rain Considerations

Increase the speed for efficient clearing but ensure not to overwork the motor.

Enhancements and Upgrades

Wiper Blade Materials

  • Rubber: Common and affordable but wears out faster.
  • Silicone: Durable, lasts longer, but might be pricier.

Aftermarket Modifications

Some drivers opt for enhanced blades or motors for improved performance.

Advanced Wiper Features

Features like heated wiper blades are available in premium cars and useful in icy conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I replace my rear wiper blade?

A general rule is to replace it once a year, but inspect it every six months for wear and tear.

Can I use my front windshield washer fluid for the rear?

Yes, most cars use the same reservoir for both front and rear washers.

Do all cars come with a rear windshield wiper?

No, while it’s common in SUVs and hatchbacks, many sedans don’t have them.


A rear windshield wiper plays a pivotal role in ensuring driving safety. Especially during adverse weather conditions, its importance becomes more evident.

Regular maintenance and understanding of its operation can make a significant difference. Not only does it ensure a clear view, but it also offers peace of mind, knowing that a vital safety feature of your vehicle is in top-notch condition.